Step 3: Delivery Options

The Delivery Options page consists of four tabs: Sending Options, Tracking, Scheduling, and Intervals. Toggle between these and set up your preferences on each.

Sending Options

Choose the language you’re sending your SMS in. This setting will not have any effect on the body of your SMS – it’s only used in the opt-out message.


Any attachments on your SMS are automatically tracked by our platform. To track and shorten any links in your SMS, check the other checkbox.

Shortening links in SMS may actually increase the number of characters on links that are less than 30 characters long.


Use this tab to schedule the SMS to send on a specific date and time. You can also schedule the SMS to recur daily, weekly, etc.


If you’ve got a large contact list, you can send messages in batches by checking the Staggering or rate limiting checkbox. Enter the email address where you’d like notifications to be sent, then set the intervals.

Your interval options are:

  • Staggering: Pause and get the system to email you a notification after sending a certain number of SMSs (e.g. after every 1000 messages). Note: You will have to restart the sending process manually after each pause if you choose this option.
  • Rate Limit: This sends a certain number of SMSs in a specified time interval (e.g. 1000 emails every hour) and sends you notification each time it reaches it.